Friday, 29 April 2011

DEVIL MAY CRY?? really?


Menurut encik wikipedia, devil may cry adalah is a series of five hack and slash video games set in the modern day. The series was developed by Capcom and created by Hideki Kamiya. Originally intended to be a sequel in Capcom's Resident Evil series, Devil May Cry was such a radical departure from the series' style that it was developed into a new property entirely. The series centers on main character Dante's goal of avenging his mother's murder by exterminating demons. The gameplay consists of heavy combat scenes in which the player must attempt to extend long chains of attacks while avoiding damage in order to exhibit stylized combat; this element along with time and amount of items collected and used are taken under consideration when grading the player's performance. (dalam bahasa antarabangsa).

TETAPI adakah anda semua tahu bahawasanya, permainan eletronik ini telah memanipulasikan minda
jarum halus oleh pihak-pihak tidak bertanggungjawab sehingga mempermain-mainkan agama suci kita, ISLAM.

berikut adalah petikan harian metro pada tarikh 29 hb April 2011.

Permainan hina Islam

Oleh Mohd Firdaus Ibrahim, Georgie Joseph dan Rabi ‘Atul ‘Adawiyah Ismail

KUALA LUMPUR: Satu permainan komputer yang digilai remaja negara ini dikhuatiri boleh menjejaskan akidah pemainnya kerana ia mengandungi elemen menghina Islam apabila memaparkan kalimah Allah dan kaabah.
Pemain permainan itu didakyah kononnya mereka berjihad untuk menentang syaitan kerana dikehendaki menewaskan makhluk itu untuk menembusi 12 pintu sebelum ‘penghulu syaitan’ menanti mereka di pintu terakhir iaitu pintu kaabah.
Elemen penghinaan ke atas Islam jelas tertera apabila kalimah Allah dipaparkan di setiap pintu yang dikawal syaitan termasuklah di pintu kaabah.

Difahamkan, permintaan tinggi terhadap permainan itu menyebabkan pihak pengeluar kini sudah mengeluarkan empat edisi bagi permainan berkenaan sejak mula memasarkannya pertengahan tahun lalu.

Tokoh agama yang juga penceramah bebas, Hassan Mahmud Al-Hafiz menyifatkan permainan komputer itu satu penghinaan melampau kepada umat Islam kerana kaabah adalah kiblat dan tempat suci, begitu juga dengan kalimah Allah yang tidak boleh dijadikan bahan permainan sesuka hati.

Wednesday, 20 April 2011

exam just around the corner!!!

it just started!!!

my first exam going to start at 20th April, TPT270: INTRODUCTION TO TRANSPORT ECCONOMICS.

next exam: 
24th April; LAW251 & MGT300
27th April; FIN262

so, the exam started!
lets stay up!! stay up for the whole night!
get mad!
get started!
read people! READ the books!! dont let the book read you!!


please start thinkin!!!

dont memorized but understanding it also!!

all the best everybody!!!

Monday, 28 March 2011

take a break!!


Who! Who is that?!
Try to looking at mirror. Look carefully, is that yourself, are you sure that person in the mirror is yourself. I mean the real of you. Is that really yourself, think about it repeatedly, if you sure that person in the mirror is you, then it is okay.

But happened if you not yourself?
 Are you sure that you want to be that person? Are you sure that person is suit for you to be? Please take a few minute to make sure that person in the mirror is you, and you are ready to live for the rest of this day, I mean today, don’t take it lightly,

It might be that person in the mirror is not you, plus that person you want to be is not corresponding with you, so do you still thinking that person is you, I mean you pure soul of you or just some cover up as totally spies?? Think about it, which was nothing, would be less and more if you trying to be the one of you true self.

Let me remind you again, is that person you want to be is you? If you still thinking that person are you, then you might have problem or not. Depending on your choices, if you still doubt in yourself, why don’t you analysis you characteristic, you these whole ages that you doing. Is that person is yourself? 

If you thinking that I’m psycho, why you still read this article of my mind? Why you still concern about this article that I wrote. Maybe you not ‘you’, maybe you still doubting in deep down of yourself to what people want to and the real you. Some fame people said this word which might be not a fame people but me saying this; it is  a problem to copy people ways, styles, fashion, the way them dress, acts, behavior, and anything that related to other people that not included yourself, unless if you copy them just to find your true self. 

 Do you still want to be you that not you in the mirror which not belong to you? Do you still reading this article which mean, you really want to find the real you which is not the real you. Let me think it through, you not yourself, but people accept you as not the real you as you are not the real you that copying the behavior of people that not themselves. Do you think that they wear what they want, they are their real selves? Do you think it through as I am thought? They not themselves!! They just another copier as you do, you and them are the same. So, who are you? Who are they? Keep doubting to find your true self!!!

thank you for today~~ blablablabla~~

Saturday, 19 March 2011

big show!!!

Ratu the movie!

D’trans Soicety was organized the grand showcase of Ratu The Movie. Ratu The Movie was a film that being directed by Prof Madya A. Razak Mohaideen, it about 18 gorgeous ladies, who participating in Ratu Cantik aka Beauty contest.

Their being isolated in a vast island and their need to survive in the island, a lot of unfortunate events was happening to them. They not realized that they are being film and evaluated by judges. Their personality and characteristic was tested. Each situation was surprises! Each of the contestants was kidnap, and tested with a several events that need them to make decision until the final contestant left and announced as winner.


The story is new and fresh idea as the film was a collaboration with WSI (Wayang Studios International). New entrants of actress was a risk that taken by the Lineclear Motion Pictures. The Malaysian film industry quality can be improved by the entry of the new actors in the industry, and the collaboration between producers can created and introduced the new ideas to the Malaysian people.

correction: not DST but DK1

The film was showing at UiTM Johor, Segamat before the cinemas is 16 Mac.
The audients that attend was 245 peoples.

*Credit to izmahariz for being a project leader for this event!

Thank you for watching, supporting Malaysian film industry and last but not least D’trans Society.

Monday, 14 March 2011

weekend activities!!

Weekend activities!!

What I’m doing this whole weekend is attending theater that organizes by the Mandarin Language Society (PBM). This theater is about the rise of the ordinary women into an extraordinary woman. The theater storyline was written by Madam Rahimah, a famous and active author that well involving in this industry.

The theater is semi musical, so it quite fun, amusing, and a lot of surprise. Their performance was fabulous.  The Dewan Kuliah 1 (DK1) is full house! The event was attended by VIPs, such as our UiTM Johor, Prof Madya Omar bin Samat, Vice Directors, Prof Madya Haji Abdullah, Prof Madya Haji Nawawi, and etc.

The activities continued by the IMS (Information Management Society), their gathered their students to attend their family day, it is such a nice experience to see how people gather, enjoy, and build a unity among themselves. Their got plenty of games which I also don’t even know how to play. I was invited by fellow friends to watch them, then I play my role as DJ by choosing and play their song, I mean the songs in Kak Zaty’s laptop!!

Then suddenly, their IMS’s advisor, Mr. Ismail ( I think so) came, he ask for a Maher Zain’s song, InsyAllah. So, I pretended to be one of their IMS’s member, and play the song that he wanted. LUCKY!

What I can’t forget is the bread that delivered from Klang to UiTM Segamat, credit to Alysna’s mom that all the way just to meet their daughter’s fiancĆ©e, XXXX. Hahaha.
Alysna’s mom said to him please takes care of my beloved daughter.

Thank you to all my friends, who supporting me. May God bless you all!

Friday, 4 March 2011

la settimana piĆ¹ stancante

hye bloggers sume,

last week is my busiest week, mesti kamu semua tidak tahu bahawasanya Dtrans Society telah pon mengadakan CHARITY EVENT!!!

kepenatan!! hahaa


charity event ini sudah pon memasuki siri ketiga!!

Charity ini telah pon dimulakan oleh part 6 kami ketika saya part 2, iaitu ketika semester Jan- May 2010
charity ini terdapat pelbagai acara-acara yang menarik iaitu seperti yang semua bloggers boleh lihat!
RATU the movie, konsert COUPLE, Car wash, Futsal Tournament, Grooming.

sepatutnya blog ni perlu di-update secepat mungkin,
namun begitu, atas sebab-sebab yang tidak bermunasabah, maka blog ini terlewat sudah~~

*perhatian: ayat-ayat yang digunakan akan melanggar skema peperikasaan sebentar sahaja ag.

penat ny time niy!

 penat sbb ap,,, sbb kne lari kejar bola,,, bola ad 2 biji je doe,,, adoyai!!
smgu pinggang and betis kejang,,, hahaha
 wlupon pnat tp ttp best!!
thnx 2 all part 4 DBST students yg turut mengikuti program amal sambil kutip bola @ budak milo!!

23-25 Feb
Jualan amal d Speaker Corner

kekacakan abg zul kite yg memuncak!!
tp tiket t'jual x ke jual minyak je bang?

hahaa,,, booth part6 yg sdg rnck jual tiket for concert
Konsert COUPLE for COUPLES!!!


tuan timbalan pengarah dtg beb!!!
dye beli tket couple~~~
dtg sorg ke? hahaha

26 Feb
Sepak Futsal Tournament

atas sebab2 yg munasabah, event sepak ni,, kbykan nye yg msuk bdk2 transport. nk kte tournament pon xley,, sbb referee pon maen futsal beb!!!
below adalah antara pict2 futsal!!
group NR DBST part 4!!
ni lak bdk2 komander!!
jgn gurau nt kne denda lak!!
ni team mix!!
nme team ni pon sedap taw!!
anak rimau!!
ganas x??
dpt no 2 je~~ hahaa

urusetia plus pemain futsal!!

yg ni lak~~ eh mamat barca ni lagi,,, untuk pengetahuan korg la kn,, bdk2 ni nk cgt hadiah hamper tue,,, cmpae msuk 2-3 team ckaly!!!
dahsyat x?hahaha
ni lak kitorg punye DJ terhandal!!
opss!! ad bakat terpendam ke bakat ap??!

kebanyakan bdk2 DBST part 4 ni kje nye maen bola atau kerje part time kutip bola,,,
tp dlam kes ak,,, ak amik full time...

da legam2 da ak,,,

npk x mamat yg pki bju putih tga berdiri tu,,
hah! tu lah ak,,, hahaha
ag sorg cpew ea?
xegt da,,, rmi cgt part-time worker....
hehehe :)

27 Feb
b4 that
pagi 27 feb, ak n PBM (persatuan bahasa mandarin)
g OPKIM (operasi khidmat masyarakat) kt bndr putra ioi, tp lbey spesifik kt ldg estet sawit..
penat jgk la ble kne kemas brg2, then wt ini itu sne sni,, plus plus ag,,
then after buat semua tu,,,
kitorg dgn bgge nye g jnjln,, smbil kidnap bdk2 mgse bnjir ni,,,
jnjln kt dlam kbun jgk, xkn nk g kluar, transport pon xd,,
kitorg juz g santai jelah~~
ak n abu

berkobar2 x tgk bendera Malaysia?
bdk kcik tpi ak yg rembat! ak pnjm je...
ish3!! hahaaha
style x?

yg ni pict tme ak n peul azim, alalaa~ comey nye bdk tue~~ :D

jgn lupe cameraman,,,
smgt gler tgkp pict!!
fotogenic kowt!!

Malam Nur Insaniah Bebas Dadah!

b4 kte trus kn,,, couple band rock!!!


npk nerd cm xbtol pon ad kan?
aina, ak, n marion!

rm8 per entry please!!

hahahaa... couple band mg best,,,
tp ak tga busy jual float,,,
hahahaa... mg heaven la dorg yg dpt tgk couple band perform~~
untuk pengetahuan korg,, JKM pon ad perform jgk tw,,,

~tamat sudah~

Saturday, 26 February 2011

FIN makes me vomit!! so do POKER!! :)

tonight gonna be a good night!!

what i'm talking about?!
 after struggling with FIN and Mandarin.

FIN is a code name for Fundamental Of Finance.
what FIN all about?
tonight i just had exam, an exam that full of bullshit...
not a real bullshit.
but what it concern about is about how to financing the firm.

the FIN exam
is included with cash budget, pro-forma, statement of uses and sources, ratio-ratio, and others.. 
( too lazy to typing la).

after came back from DST (Dewan Sri Temenggung) where the exam was conduct, i went to Uptown (place where called it due to it places hilltop, where we buy and eat stuff). so what i am doing?
i went there with couples of my friends, ofcoz to eat la,
 eating kuey teow basah BRO~~
delicIOUSSS~~~ <3

hehehee... cdap taw kuey teow basah UPTOWN ni,,,

 terSpeaking malay lak,,,

then i go to meet my friends, fatin shuitamirah joharchememey zamri, and others,,
sory sis!! hahahaa... dlm BM la plak! pnat la nk speaking (wrinting).
diorang ni cte psal nk g holiday~~~
bla~~ bla~~ bla~~
hahahaaa,,, so after betelagah sesame sndri smbil menghabiskn air2 dmeja,,,
Amirah johar, nk gula2,, hehee
iklan kejap...
then kitorang decide nk g 20 Mac ni,,,
hopefully jd la,,,

after mnunggu burger ayam ku~~ ops! daging,, Iz Azman dgn tnpe segan silu nye ckp: jom blik!!
tkjut ak,, da kul11:30 malam da,,
xsweet taw tgk gurls n boys kt tmpt2 gelap,,
xd la gelap cgt,,,
gelap cket je,,,, so dgn berat aty nye tnpe taw result spm,,
result nk g Port dickson,,, 
huhuuuuu ;(
agk cdey jgkk la,,, 


blik2 bilik je,,, junior-junior ak,,,
fahim azman & ashriff
dorg ni junior2 ak,,,
ajk ak maen poker!!!
maen poker jom~~

 cm bdk2 btol la,,,,
so after 2 game ktorg maen,, trus stop,,, ats sebab yg xmunasabah~~
pelik tp benar,,,

mengantok lak!!
jom tdo,,
selamat malam UiTM Segamat~~

Wednesday, 23 February 2011

losing my password and ID~~


i'm quite FORGETful
juz yesterday, when i want to updating my blog
i FORGET the password, the email, and so everything to entering
this blog,, what i bad memory,

do you think that i will
became like this?
became a person without faces, heads myb arms..
what so ever,,,


i dont FORGET
to pray, eat, sleep,
what a lame story to share with u all
so the story begin when i FORGET my locker key, my purse, my assignments.
the story continues as the time goes by.
later, i became a habit as it took quite a long time.
this FORGETful attitude became a disease to me,,

how i can continue login into my blog?
lucky that i have setup a question and several safety steps
that can be used to retrieved my blog,,
but still, i still dont know how long this memory will lasting...

Once again,
please keep a note for myself to remind me~~

Sunday, 20 February 2011

newbie is comin~~

hehehe... first time buat BLOG, hahhaa,,, xtaw nk buat mukaddimah yg cmne~~
nk buat acknowlegdement dlu ke? introduction dlu ke? ad idea x? hahahaa...
20 feb ni,, kre secara rasmi nye,,, ak rasmi kn BLOG suka suki suku ak,,, hahahaa,
hrp2, rkan2 laen mnykong ak,,, hehehe,, xbpe pndae la nk cte,,, tp yg pntg BLOG ak MADE BY TOPO gak,,, hahahaa,,,

k la,,, tgu ad idea ag bru ak tmbh hasil nukilan2 yg agak bernas!! hahaha....